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Author page: dev2host

Programs We Support

Places and People we honor January 22, 2020 Supporting monuments to the 10th Mountain’s fallen From the Memorial Day ceremony at the original Tennessee Pass Monument to the North Country Honors the Mountain in…

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Tennessee Pass Memorial

The Foundation’s first and most significant project started in the late 1950’s with the red-granite memorial monument honoring the WWII fallen at the summit of Tennessee Pass, Colorado. We continue to honor…

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Places and People We Honor

The Foundation supports monuments to the 10th Mountain’s fallen, from the Memorial Day ceremony at the original Tennessee Pass Monument to the North Country Honors the Mountain in Watertown, NY.  Help us memorialize…

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Q2 2019 Foundation Update

General Update: Memorial Day | Ft. Drum Reunion & Meetings | Operational Phase 3 The Foundation team’s work this past quarter continues to highlight the positive results of our restructuring and programmatic focus…

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Q1 2019 Foundation Update

General Update: $29,207 In Grants Paid | Memorial Day Ceremony | Continued Progress First quarter is when your Foundation makes a number of grants to our program partners. In addition to the grantmaking,…

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Q4 2018 Foundation Update

General Update: After the productive annual meeting in September with our key program partners and National Association and Descendants leadership, your Foundation team continued to work on operational improvements, such as updating our…

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