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Tennessee Pass Memorial

The Foundation’s first and most significant project started in the late 1950’s with the red-granite memorial monument honoring the WWII fallen at the summit of Tennessee Pass, Colorado.  We continue to honor those WWII soldiers at our annual Memorial Day Service.


Honoring the WWII Fallen

Dedicated on Memorial Day, 1959, the original 10th Mountain Memorial is located at Tennessee Pass, just outside Leadville, CO, near the wartime site of Camp Hale and the Cooper Hill ski training area (now Ski Cooper).  


Upon its gleaming surface are etched the names of 1,000 comrades who made the supreme sacrifice while serving our country in WW II.  

The Foundation funds the continued maintenance of the monument and surrounding grounds in collaboration with the 10th Mountain Huts Association and the National Forest Service.

Memorial Day Service – You’re Invited

Every Memorial Day, the Foundation honors those 10th Mountain soldiers who have sacrificed themselves for our country. 

The Foundation conducts a service every Memorial Day at the Tennessee Pass Monument to which all are invited.


They Served Us, Now It's Our Turn

Our Veterans put everything on the line to protect our freedom. We may never be able to repay them for their sacrifice, but we can show them just how much we appreciate everything they’ve done for us.

Thank you for helping us support 10th Mountain Soldiers and their families.
Your tax deductible contribution is helping to preserve their legacy.

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