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10th Mountain Resource Center – Core Resource

Starting in 1984, the Foundation provided the essential funding to establish a core resource for anyone interested in the 10th Mountain history or wanting to learn about their forebears.  The result is the 10th Mountain Resource Center in Denver, Colorado.

itle: 10th Mountain Resource Center – Preserving the Legacy.

Since 1984, the Foundation has partnered with Denver Public Library and History Colorado to collect and preserve: photos, letters, and paperwork, and  uniforms, equipment and other physical artifacts, creating what is now known as the 10th Mountain Resource Center.  

This collaborative effort has resulted in an amazing collection of WWII artifacts and documents that may be the largest on a single Division.   Items range from detailed listings of the 33,000 soldiers who served in the Division to uniforms, weapons, specialized equipment, and personal photographs and letters.  This resource is available for researchers digitally and in-person.

The Foundation provides on-going funding of a dedicated curator who works part-time to handle research requests as well as cataloging the collection. This work includes digitizing many of the original manuals and Quartermaster catalogs.  These digital files are available to anyone world-wide.   The digital files can be accessed here for no charge (link).


They Served Us, Now It's Our Turn

Our Veterans put everything on the line to protect our freedom. We may never be able to repay them for their sacrifice, but we can show them just how much we appreciate everything they’ve done for us.

Thank you for helping us support 10th Mountain Soldiers and their families.
Your tax deductible contribution is helping to preserve their legacy.

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