The 10th Mountain Alpine Group (10thMAG) promotes mountaineering across all ages and skill levels while honoring the heritage of the 10th Mountain Division and the Soldiers who follow in their footsteps.

Joining the 10th MAG is ideal for 10th soldiers who want to extend their mountain training and have a passion for mountaineering or climbing
Because membership is open to all, 10th MAG also provides a great way to introduce friends or family to the joys of mountaineering.
10th MAG members participate in competitions, expeditions or climbing outings.
There are also classes and gatherings to introduce families to climbing and mountaineering.
Membership is only $25 per year

The Foundation provides funding to help publish the 10th MAG’s Pando Post magazine in which members share gear and expedition reviews as well as learnings.

They Served Us, Now It's Our Turn
Our Veterans put everything on the line to protect our freedom. We may never be able to repay them for their sacrifice, but we can show them just how much we appreciate everything they’ve done for us.
Thank you for helping us support 10th Mountain Soldiers and their families.
Your tax deductible contribution is helping to preserve their legacy.