The Foundation’s Scholarship team collaborates with both the 10th Mountain Division’s National Association and Descendants organizations, each of which have their own scholarship programs.

The Foundation makes direct grants to support the patch, whether WWII or today’s 10th Mountain.
The National Association’s 10th Mountain Scholarship program is focused on today’s 10th Mountain soldiers and their families.
Members of related units such as the Army National Guard Mountain Warfare School, the 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain), the 1-157th Infantry Mountain, Colorado Army National Guard, the 86th Brigade Combat Team, Vermont Army National Guard are also eligible.
In addition to providing the initial seed funding for the National Association’s Scholarships, the Foundation continues to provide annual support for this program that now awards up to 40 scholarships per year.
The National Association’s Scholarships provide $5,000 grants for any year of undergraduate study and applicants or their sponsors must be members of the National Association. Learn more and apply here (April 15 deadline).
The 10th Mountain Descendants organization offers the Finn-Thornton scholarships, which are focused exclusively on WWII descendants. These $2,500 grants are available only to rising freshman to defray the first-year costs of higher education. Recipients can also apply for the Foundation’s scholarships in their subsequent years. Learn more and apply here (May 1 deadline)