Good Works Grant Partners
The 10th Mountain Division Foundation supports programs for disabled veterans, outdoor experiences, scholarships, and monuments and memorials that continue the legacy of the 10th Mountain soldiers. Donations to the Foundation help support these Good Works. Thank you for all you do!
Apply for a grant anytime on the Foundation website. Programs and projects for the upcoming year are reviewed and voted on at the annual meeting in October. Programs the Foundation is funding in 2023:
10th Mountain Division Hut Association
10th Mountain Division Living History Display Group
10th Mountain Resource Center at the Denver Public Library
History Colorado digital archives
Move United disabled veterans Ski Spectacular
Ninety-Pound Rucksack podcast
NOLS National Outdoor Leadership School
Platte Rivers Veterans Fly Fishing
PSIA/AASI veteran ski/snowboard scholarships
Scholarships for 10th Mountain veterans
Silverton Avalanche School veteran scholarships
STRIDE Adaptive Wounded Warriors Snowfest